Should NFL cheerleaders earn minimum wage?

Cheerleaders have been part of the entertainment industry ever since. They work hard and spend their time and effort in practice for when a game comes and please an audience. However, they don’t earn what they deserve and this has become recently a social issue that not only involves their wage but the meaning behind it.

  • What is your social issue? -Should NFL cheerleaders earn minimum wage/ be recognized as employees?
  • Why is it such a social issue? What do people disagree about in relation to this topic?- It has become a social issue since the NFL operates as a seasonal event, meaning that because of this they’re exempt from these laws.
  • What is your proposed solution? Why do you think this is the best solution?- The most realistic solution would be since the U.S Department of Labor exempts them from their laws, cheerleaders should then quit spending overtime at their practices and minimize the appearances of them during the games if they can’t be paid as what they deserve. Another solution would be since California already approved a law recognizing cheerleaders as employees, encourage other sports teams in the rest of the country to do the same.
  • What are pros to your solution? –Cheerleading requires rigorous training and takes time to perform their performances.
  • What are cons to your solution?– it’s just a seasonal hobby that supports athletes.
  • Any questions to your audience members for help on your topic?
  • Do you agree/disagree cheerleaders should at least be earning minimum wage? why or why not?
  • Do you think a person’s effort shouldn’t be compensated even if it’s just a seasonal event?
  • how could I improve my argument?. Should more states approve these as employees just like California?

Play-Doh Creations

I created a swimmer with play-doh to represent the importance swimming has in my life. Swimming has become who I am today for the past few years, and because of that, it’s easier to represent myself towards something just like with this amazing sport. Some of my classmate’s creations were very interesting, some of them made a waffle since they wanted to be a chef and someone else made a dollar sign because he wanted to become a businessman. Also, someone else made a Batman silhouette because it was his their favorite superhero. More on,  I think looking at someone else’s creations has allowed me to know people further than what they have allowed me to. However, when I started doing the assignment I was able to compare the situation when we start in the writing process. Looking for s theme and being able to create a purpose with meaning to represent it as well creating a connection with your audience which I think its the most important part. The rhetorical situation plays an important role in any assignment since what the audience is observing, looking, reading or analyzing it still has to be something of their interest and something they will be in as they keep going throughout the script. The assignment with the play-doh took a process similar to the one we use in writing since we had to brainstorm in order to come up with the object we were going to make, then we had to edit some mistakes made and then finalize it.

Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?

According to ISTANDWITH Gay Marriage Poll Results close to 67% throughout the U.S agreed with the legalization of same-sex marriage, with the ability to allow churches to refuse it as a right and be able to respect their beliefs. However, close to 33% didn’t agree to remark that marriage should have the opportunity to be between two people who share the same sex, but only between a man and a woman. Some other research has shown that the state of Illinois mostly agrees with same-sex marriage with a  71% overall while 29% is only against. Furthermore, if we go into more deeply into the poll investigation, the category of race indicates that white people rank into a 65% position against black people 68% who agree with this type of marriage. Moving on,  if we focus on education levels close 78% of people who earn a Doctorates approve with it in comparison with students who are in Junior High (less than High School) come up with a 65%. As a conclusion factors like race, income, and education can be factors that affect people’s opinions towards a social issue. Legalization of same-sex marriage is a polemic with what we still struggle to accept nowadays because of people who want to preserve their beliefs. However, research has shown that same-sex marriage ‘should’ be legalized since the differences between both sides are quite significant and reasonable to make the decision.


Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?

According to ISTANDWITH Gay Marriage Poll Results close to 67% throughout the U.S agreed with the legalization of same-sex marriage, with the ability to allow churches to refuse it as a right and be able to respect their beliefs. However, close to 33% didn’t agree to remark that marriage should have the opportunity to be between two people who share the same sex, but only between a man and a woman. Some other research has shown that the state of Illinois mostly agrees with same-sex marriage with a  71% overall while 29% is only against. Furthermore, if we go into more deeply into the poll investigation, the category of race indicates that white people rank into a 65% position against black people 68% who agree with this type of marriage. Moving on,  if we focus on education levels close 78% of people who earn a Doctorates approve with it in comparison with students who are in Junior High (less than High School) come up with a 65%. As a conclusion factors like race, income, and education can be factors that affect people’s opinions towards a social issue. Legalization of same-sex marriage is a polemic with what we still struggle to accept nowadays because of people who want to preserve their beliefs. However, research has shown that same-sex marriage ‘should’ be legalized since the differences between both sides are quite significant and reasonable to make the decision.

Should employers be required to pay men and women the same salary for the same job?

In the website ISIDEWITH, I picked the topic of equal pay for both men and women. throughout the whole U.S, 79% approved the petition while 21% didn’t. the people who said yes approved and said that business should be required to publish their salary ranges for each position. And the ones who said no mention that gender should not be the only reason for equal pay but consider education, experience, and tenure to determine their salary as individuals. In my opinion, I approve with the “No” because it all depends on your education and experience but I also agree with the “yes” side because in a case where both women and men do the same job regardless of their race or gender if they are doing the same job they should probably earn the same salary. Women are capable of doing the same job as men and should be able to earn the same as well if what they’re doing is pretty similar to what a man is achieving. Another research in this website was in Illinois where the people who voted created a  pole where 81% said yes and 19% said NO. I believe women and men should earn the same wage if they’re abilities are the same.